Melissa Meredith
Media/ Advertising Specialist

Melissa Meredith, Account Manager and Head of Paid Advertising, comes to TSPRG with more than seven years of paid advertising, marketing and content management experience, from online start-ups and national companies like The Krazy Coupon Lady, GoodRx and The Kim Komando Show. Meredith oversees TSPRG’s media buys, paid advertising and content and assists with digital strategy. She earned the B.A. in English literature from Maryville University in 2009 and then returned to school to pursue a brief career as a paramedic. As the digital world began to overpower marketing, Meredith transitioned back into writing for media and began expanding her skills as digital media became the central focus of the marketing industry. When Meredith is not working, she spends her time with her three children and travels the world. She also runs a small non-profit for women while volunteering in communities with a focus on advocating for women’s rights and mental health awareness.